Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows for new build, renovation or replacement projects in London and the south

Bespoke Products

We don’t believe in a one size fits all mentality here at OpenSquare Glazing. Instead, we prefer to operate on a made to measure basis. We believe this will help to make sure your new aluminium windows offer the greatest performance. Design your ideal double glazed windows with us today.

Full Design Service

Taking care of our customers every step of the way, we offer a comprehensive service. We have the capability to offer a full CAD design service to any architects or contractors who require this service. With our software, you’ll be able to visualise the new aluminium windows for your Beaconsfield project.

Expert Installation

Installation is such an important step of the home improvements journey. Having years of expertise and experience, our installation team have all the tools to provide a perfect fitting. They’ll ensure that your project receives the very best service for a truly professional finish.

Aluminium Window Cost Marlow

Tailored Aluminium Windows

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Aluminium Window Prices Marlow

OpenSquare steel look Heritage Aluminium Windows

OpenSquare Glazing work with industry leading names to supply our customers with the very best aluminium windows. Working with a leading manufacturer in aluminium double glazing, we deliver a level of quality that few can match. The result is windows that achieve the heights of both style and substance in one great package.

Catering to any style of project you might be undertaking, we offer our aluminium windows in several styles. Casement windows are a staple of British architecture and a popular choice. However, we also offer tilt and turn windows. Great for tight spaces, these versatile windows offer flexibility for users. Whichever style you choose, you can rest assured with fantastic performance.

If you want to ensure a great level of thermal efficiency for your project, our aluminium windows are a great choice. They have the ability to achieve U-values as low as 1.0 W/m2K with the right glazing options. With such a great level of thermal performance, our double glazed windows will ensure high heat retention within the property. Never compromise on performance with aluminium.

OpenSquare Slimline Aluminium Windows

If you’re looking for a more modern solution for your aluminium windows, our slimline range could be what you’re looking for. Providing the very slimmest sightlines, these elegant windows will offer a stunning aesthetic. Natural light will flow into any property that uses these double glazed windows. With more natural light, you’re sure to make the most of your property’s inherent style.

However, this isn’t a case of style over substance. These slimline aluminium windows will also provide an excellent degree of thermal efficiency for your home. With U-values as low as 1.2 W/m2K, they’ll help to make a cosy and comfortable environment no matter the season. In fact, with such a high degree of thermal retention, there’s the potential for low heating bills for a cost effective home.

With these high performance double glazed windows, you’ll also be offered an excellent degree of security. Naturally strong, aluminium windows will offer great resistance against any potential force. However, with PAS 24 compliance and Secured by Design accreditation, you’ll have an added level of security. As a result, with these windows installed, you’ll be able to offer complete peace of mind.

Rehau OpenSquare Flush Window

OpenSquare - Vogue Range Flush PVCu Casement Windows

OpenSquare’s Vogue range offer a wide range of PVC-U  casement and flush windows and can offer a wide range of style and colour options.

Working with three of the leading profile extruders in the window industry – Rehau, Kommerling, and Residence – we can supply a particularly wide range of casement windows from these materials.

We have long been supplying and installing the traditional storm proof, or rebated PVC-U casement windows in both Rehau and Kommerling, but have also been offering flush casement windows since January 2018 through our Residence Range.

We have recently started work on the new REHAU Flush Fit window, named the Rio Range.

We offer an extensive range of aluminium casement windows to suit all requirements and an extensive variety of colours to match.

Whether you are looking for casement windows for historic or contemporary projects we have a product for the job.

Technical Specifications



U-Value (W/m²K) (Double glazing)

Up to 1.4

U-Value (W/m²K) (Triple glazing)

Up to 1.0


KM 81543 & KM 81580 available


PAS 24 & Secured by Design available


To help our customers out, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions for customers to look through. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team online or over the phone.

What’s the process of working with OpenSquare Glazing?

We’ll be in contact with you as soon as you have requested a quote from us. From there, we’ll work with you to design the perfect aluminium windows for your Beaconsfield project. Finally, we’ll deliver a hassle free installation followed by quality aftercare.

Are aluminium windows environmentally friendly?

If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly solution for your Beaconsfield project, our aluminium windows are perfect. Highly recyclable and energy efficient, they’ll help to keep a low carbon footprint.

Do you carry out replacement work?

Yes, we are suppliers and installers of aluminium windows and doors for all projects.

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